Rednal Hill Junior School

Rednal Hill Junior School

Together we can turn possibility into reality

  1. Curriculum
  2. Assemblies
  3. Weekly Focused Assemblies 2022-2023
  4. W/B 06/02/2023 - Darwin Day

Weekly Focused Assemblies

Week Beginning 06/02/23

As it is Darwin day on Sunday 12th February, our focussed assembly this week was all about the famous scientist. The children learned some important facts about Charles Darwin and how he is a role model for our school value of ‘being the best that we can be’. Here are some important facts that were shared in the assembly:

Darwin changed the world and the way we look at things

He opened the door to a whole new and, at the time, radical way of thinking – one which is still with us today. 

He risked his reputation as a scientist, and also the comfort of his family life, as he proposed a theory which even his wife was worried about!

 He took on the most powerful people of his day and did so quietly; sticking to his idea even though those closest to him had doubts. 

He did all of this with self-assurance and great courage of conviction, arguing that his theory was right and true.

Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection can still provoke anger and discomfort today.

It can still produce heated debates.

Richard Attenborough, in a recent edition of the TV magazine The Radio Times expressed his support for Darwin’s evolutionary theory and this apparently led to some unpleasant mail – not something he usually receives! 

Darwin’s theory challenges the beliefs of some people and make us question the very nature of who we are.

But, even if we don’t accept his theory, we must admire how brave he was in getting his opinions heard!

As part of the assembly, the children listened to and appreciated music from the time when Darwin was alive. Please click on the link below to listen to the music.