Remote Learning Guidance for Parents and Carers.
'Teams' Home Learning
During periods of home learning last year, teachers at the junior school taught with success online, through a timetable of live and pre-recorded lessons. We hope we will not need to resort to using Teams in this way again but have seen the benefits in using a home- school digital platform, which has now become a key part of school life.
This year, we will be using our Teams platform to share homework and spellings with families, (although paper copies will still be provided) to share notices from the class teacher as well as any other information we feel may be useful for you to know.
If you need any further support, please contact the school office.
Teams Home/School Agreement
Teams Technical support
Teams Help video
Teams FAQ
Uploading Photos to Assignments
Remote education provision: information for families
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and families about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or pods/ bubbles) to remain at home.